You get one chance to introduce Pi to your students. We want to give you some pointers on how to make sure it doesn't go over their head right of the bat.
Introducing Pi
You have to start this lesson by teaching them that Pi is a ratio of the Circumference of the Circle to the Diameter. This is best done visually.

Not a Fraction!
Show them that Pi can not be written as a Fraction and therefore is not Rational (which means it is Irrational)! This is easy to prove with a counter example. If it is not rational it must be irrational.
The Formula
Teaching them the Area formula for a Circle is the easy part. Spend most of your time discussing Pi, the Circumference, Diameter, and Radius and how they compare to each other. They will hear the phrase "Pi - r - Squared" for the rest of their math careers. You do not need to pound it into their heads for them to memorize the formula (Not to mention most states standardized test give them a formula sheet with it on there). #DoNotTeachToTheTest
Here are your free Area of a Circle Worksheets 7th Grade for this lesson!
Area of Circles - PDFs
10-3 Assignment - Area of Circles (FREE)
10-3 Area of a Circle Worksheet 7th Grade (Members Only)
10-3 Bell Work - Area of Circles (FREE)
10-3 Exit Quiz - Area of Circles (FREE)
10-3 Guide Notes Student Edition - Area of Circles (FREE)
10-3 Guided Notes Teacher Edition (Members Only)
10-3 Lesson Plan (Members Only)
10-3 Online Activities (Members Only)
10-3 Video Lesson (Members Only)
Editable Area of a Circle Worksheets 7th Grade, Word Docs, & PowerPoint
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