Fractions, Decimals, & Percentages

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages – Cellular Data Usage

When it comes to converting Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages you will come to find your students are really engaged. They will only be engaged at high levels though if you introduce with a real world example that they actually care about. 

Here are 3 excellent real world ways to introduce converting between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages to your Pre-Algebra Class!

  1. Food - Let's face it... Any day we can involve food in class the students will pay more attention. Bring in a dessert and tell them you will let them eat it when they are able to answer a few questions about the dessert. 
    • Let's say you brought in cup cakes. Have them figure out what Fraction of the cup cakes will need to be passed out for everyone to get one (You can also have them make the same calculation but with what Fraction will be left over).
    • Then have them tell you what Percentage of the cup cakes will get passed out and what Percentage will not.
    • Lastly show them how to calculate their findings as Decimals.
  1. Money - Use the same methods and questions as above but with money. You can use Change or Bills. You could also print off fake money. Make them actually purchase something from you (home work pass - use something they will actually want.) and calculate this as a Fraction, Decimal, and Percentage of their money. 
  1. Cell Phone Minutes - What kid doesn't want to know how much data they are allowed and what percent of the plan it is compared to their brothers and sisters. There are TONS of ways you can incorporate their cell phone bill / data usage into this lesson. Their parents will also be appreciative of this because they will know how much money they are actually costing them 😉

Here is your free content for this lesson!

Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages - PDFs

6-5 Assignment - Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages (FREE)

6-5 Bell Work - Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages (FREE)

6-5 Exit Quiz - Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages (FREE)

6-5 Guide Notes SE - Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages(FREE)

6-5 Guided Notes Teacher Edition (Members Only)

6-5 Lesson Plan (Members Only)

6-5 Online Activities (Members Only)

6-5 Video Lesson (Members Only)

6-5 Slide Show - Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages (FREE)

Word Docs & PowerPoints

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